


新生大会 has its roots in a 1932 convocation where new 学生 and 教师 gathered to celebrate the opportunities and challenges of a new academic year. Today’s 新生大会 has a similar thrust, with 教师, family, and friends gathering in 皇家布鲁厄姆馆 prior to the beginning of the academic year to support new 学生 as they embark on their SPU journey.


打开召开 includes the entire SPU community gathering to welcome new and returning 学生 at the start of each academic year. 的 SPU总统 challenges the audience to embrace the opportunities ahead in the coming year.


的 共同学习日 began in 2002 and is a campus in-服务 day during which 教师, 工作人员, and 学生 participate together in a learning community outside the regular classrooms — a morning keynote address and afternoon seminars led by 教师, 学生, 工作人员, 外部专家. Both the morning address and afternoon seminars explore the year’s topic.


社区敬拜, 音乐会, presentations on special topics, and evensong 服务s are all part of 好的赌博软件推荐’s extensive 基督教信仰探索 program. Evensong is Monday evenings; Chapels — featuring a variety of leading Christian speakers — are Tuesdays; the student-led 服务, group is on Wednesday nights; forums are on Thursdays; and cadres/small groups typically meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


始于20世纪80年代末, 传统 is a campus and communitywide event that takes place in Tiffany Loop during the first week of December. In addition to the Christmas-tree lighting, activities include carol singing, 雪撬车, readings of the Christmas story, and other traditions to focus attention on the season of Christ’s birth.


的 first official 西雅图 Pacific “同学会” was instituted in 1935 at the school’s 42nd Commencement. Since then, 同学会 has moved to early Winter Quarter, separated from graduation weekend. 类团聚, 体育活动, 戏剧及音乐制作, 学生才艺表演, and a variety of other gatherings between alumni, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 make this weekend a highlight on the University yearly calendar.


艾薇切割 has been a part of spring graduation rites since 1922, when the first Ivy Planting ceremony was introduced. 现在, 90多年后, graduates participate in an 艾薇切割 ceremony where each senior receives a cutting from a long, 常青藤连接环. 的 ceremony symbolizes the senior’s tie to the University and its many alumni, as well as a newfound independence that comes with becoming a graduate.


Master’s degree recipients are invited to participate in the Hooding Ceremony prior to the 研究生毕业典礼 ceremony. Master’s 学生 are recognized for the completion of their advance degrees and are hooded by their school dean and the graduate 教师. Doctoral 学生 are hooded during 研究生毕业典礼.


A distinct 研究生毕业典礼 Ceremony was introduced in 2014, and designed specifically to honor SPU’s graduate 学生. It occurs on the afternoon following 艾薇切割, and graduates process into Tiffany Loop for the ceremony. Graduate degrees are awarded to master’s and doctoral 学生 who have successfully completed the requirements to obtain their graduate diplomas.


Commencement is a time-honored ceremony that recognizes the scholarship, 服务, and Christian growth of graduating seniors. 这是一个庆祝仪式, 那里的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 父母, 亲戚, and friends congratulate the graduates on their “new beginning.” Degrees are awarded to undergraduate 学生 who have successfully completed the requirements to obtain their baccalaureate diplomas. 的 number of SPU graduates has grown from five in 1915 to more than 800 in recent years.


经验 our campus life firsthand. 访问 opportunities include campus tours, 类访问, admissions and financial aid information sessions, 在赌博十大靠谱软件的食堂吃午饭, 和更多的.


Deana L. 波特菲尔德,EdD

丹尼尔·J. 马丁,法学博士,教育学博士

Philip W. 伊顿博士

E. 亚瑟·赛尔夫博士

柯蒂斯一. 马丁博士

大卫·C. 乐莎娜博士

大卫L. 麦肯纳博士

C. 多尔·德马雷,小

C. 霍伊特·沃森,小

奥林E. 蒂芙尼博士

亚历山大一. 啤酒, MA